本帖最后由 HEIYAZI 于 2011-3-21 13:18 编辑
Pierre Bensusan's 2011 US Tour Diary (Part 1)
shot in New York, featuring a live performance of Chant de Nuit, filmed at Cafe Lena.
拍摄于纽约。在Cafe Lena上演奏的 Chant de Nuit(夜曲)
Pierre Bensusan's 2011 US Tour Diary (Part 2)
shot in Florida, Pennsylvania, Maine, featuring live performances of Awali, filmed at One Longfellow Square, Portland and Kadourimdou and Wu Wei, filmed live at Godfrey Daniels in Pennsylvania.
Dear Mr.Bensusan My name is Liu Fan. I’m a great fan of yours that come from China, and now I study in a university in Beijing. I listened to your Wu Wei on the BBS of FingerstyleChina one year ago, its fluent melody and fantastic rhythm explained a brand new meaning of the philosophy of Taoism to me.I fell in love with your music from then on. The first song of yours that I have learned was So Long Michael, in this beautiful piece which was in memory of Michael Hedges, I heard thousands of moods of yours: missing your old friend,the balance between sorrow and peace, the comparison of reason and sensibility. All of these make the song an excellent work. As an old Chinese saying goes: sounds beautiful like a musical stone, as smooth as polished jade. I can’t agree more to use this saying to describe your music. I love your solos, and I love your songs, too. I can’t forget Demain, des l'Aube, Victor Hugo’s poem and your melody absorb me into it, it’s just like the sorrow of yours and Hugo’s are the same to me; I can’t forget La Dame de Clevedon, it reminds me of my first love; I can’t forger Nefertari, either. This song is a mystery, which tells a story of the old Egypt. Among your albums, I love Altiplanos and Intuite best. Of course, I have almost listened to all of your songs, they are all brilliant works. Half year ago, I was absorbed in an unsuccessful love and can not quit it. Your music helped me out, and taught me a natural and peaceful way to live. A great man in Chinese history named Zhu Ge Liang had ever said to his sons: A light heart lives long. Now this is the motto of mine, It was your music helped me understood the sentence, too. I’m an ordinary college student in China, but I believe that music can change the world and save people’s lives. So I join in our school’s guitar club and FingerstyleChina to share the happiness that I acknowledge from fingerstyle guitar music with more people. And I’m a moderator of FingerstyleChina, too. Many Chinese fans hope that one day you can come to China to hold a concert, share the wonder of the art of guitar with us. By the way, I also have a little request. If possible, could you send me the tabs of Demain, des l'Aube and La Dame de Clevedon? I love these two pieces very much. I also hope that I can build a long time relationship with you, and listen to your wise advices of playing guitar. I will be overwhelmed with gratitude! Bonne nuit.
Yours sincerely Liu Fan March 6, 2011 in Beijing 中文: 亲爱的Bensusan先生: 我的名字叫刘凡,我是一名来自中国的吉他爱好者,现在在北京上大学。 我于一年以前在指弹中国论坛(Fingerstyle China)听到了您的《Wu Wei》这首曲子,曲中行云流水般的音符和律动,让我从一个全新的角度理解了中国古典道教哲学中无为而治的涵义。从此我便爱上了您的音乐。 我学会的您的第一个曲子是《So Long Michael》,在这首纪念吉他之神Michael Hedges的曲子中,我听到了您心中种种复杂的情绪,对亡友的思念,理性与感性,悲哀与平静的平衡,让我不止一次地感到惊叹和赞赏。 中国古人曾有一句形容器乐的话:声如磬,质如玉。这句话来形容您和您的Lowden o22演奏出来的音乐实在是太合适不过了,我喜欢您的独奏曲,也喜欢您唱的歌。我忘不了那首《Demain, des l'Aube》,维克多·雨果的诗句加上您谱的曲,让我每每聆听都沉迷其中,仿佛您和雨果的悲伤也是我的悲伤一样;我忘不了那首《La Dame de Clevedon》,它那安静感伤的旋律让我回忆起我的初恋;我也忘不了那首《Nefertari》,这首曲子仿佛就像是一个谜,我从中感受到了古埃及的风沙。 您的专辑里,我最喜欢的两张是《Altiplanos》和《Intuite》,当然,几乎您所有的作品我都听过,它们都是了不起的杰作。 半年以前我曾沉浸在一段失败的恋情中不可自拔,是您的音乐带我走出了这个怪圈,教给了我一种安静自然的生活方式。中国的诸葛亮曾教导他的后代说:静以修身,俭以养德。这句话现在是我的座右铭,也是您的音乐,让我逐渐理解了这句话。 我只是中国的一个热爱吉他艺术的普通大学生,但我相信音乐能改变世界,能拯救人们的生活。抱着这样一种想法,我加入了学校的吉他社团,去和朋友们分享我从音乐中感受到的东西,我同时也在指弹中国论坛(Fingerstyle China)出任一个版块的版主,和更多的人去分享吉他艺术的博大精深。 很多琴友都希望您能来中国,来北京开一次演奏会,让我们和您一起分享吉他世界的宏大与美妙。 另外,我还有个小小的请求,如果可以的话,希望您能将《Demain, des l'Aube》和《La Dame de Clevedon》这两个曲子的谱发给我,我一来能练习这两个曲子,二来能留下精美的曲谱作为收藏。我也希望能和您长期联系,从您这得到各种宝贵的有关吉他演奏和音乐艺术的高见。不胜感激! 祝晚安。
你真诚的, 刘凡
三哥昨晚的回信: Dear Liu Fan Thank you so much for your kind words, warm appreciations and share with me your insights. I hope also to come to China one day and play concerts, when conditions and timing will be right. I will exceptionally send you, for free, the music of the 2 pieces you have asked, but I would be grateful that no copy of this music is made or given to no one. It is only for you. I am grateful that people purchase these scores from my website. It's only $4 a tune, so it's a humble price, and this is how I make my living. Enjoy the music, with warm regards. Pierre Bensusan 中文: 亲爱的刘凡: 感谢你亲切的问候,热情洋溢的赞美,也感谢你同我分享你内心的故事。 我同样希望能够来中国开音乐会,如果时间和条件允许的话。 我将破例免费送给你那两个你需要的曲谱,但是希望你不要将它们送给别人。它们只属于你。 我很感谢粉丝们从我的官方网站上购买这些音乐和曲谱,一首曲子只需要4美元,这是一个合理的价格,也是我讨生活的办法。 请享受美妙的音乐,附上我真诚的致意。 Pierre Bensusan